Our culture today considers biblical faith an expression of bigotry and hatred, yet resorts to shaming and pressure tactics to enforce its secularist views. How do you witness for Christian beliefs without being intimidated into silence? And how can believers respond with truth, gentleness, and Christ-like love, showing compassion and not compliance or conformity?
Guest host Adam McManus interviews Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Pastor Emeritus of The Moody Church in Chicago, who has written a new book entitled We Will Not Be Silenced! Responding Courageously to Our Culture's Assault on Christianity. Lutzer will:
Homeschooled himself in the 1960's and 70's, Kevin Swanson and his wife, Brenda, are now homeschooling their five children. Since graduating from his homeschool and then serving as student body president of a large west coast university, he has gone on to other leadership positions in corporate management, church, and other non-profits.