Franklin Graham’s Global Fallout

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April 05, 2017

The American evangelist, Franklin Graham, is moving right while evangelicalism around the world is moving left. He’s not as welcome as his father was. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Graham has been enthusiastic about the Trump presidency. But then, there are reasons to appreciate some of Trump’s policies. We give credit where credit is due when the President cut off funding for forced abortions in China, and opened up the gates for Christian freedoms.

This program includes:

1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus (Tillerson Visits Persecuted Christian’s Wife, Evangelist Paul Washer is Released from Hospital, British Breast Cancer Incidents Reach Epidemic Proportions)

2. Generations with Kevin Swanson

About Your Host, Kevin Swanson

Homeschooled himself in the 1960's and 70's, Kevin Swanson and his wife, Brenda, are now homeschooling their five children. Since graduating from his homeschool and then serving as student body president of a large west coast university, he has gone on to other leadership positions in corporate management, church, and other non-profits.