How do we do family worship well? What does it look like? Is it simply studying the Bible as a family, or should it include other elem...
You've heard about celebrating diversity, which usually entails a lumping of sexual proclivities with cultural and ethnic differences....
Tune into this edition of Generations as Kevin Swanson reads a devotion on Proverbs 1:20-23. Our Proverbs Bible Study Guides, alo...
The prevalence of children wandering away from the church and the faith brings up a question. We address this question taken up by Pas...
The Institute for the Family discovers in a recent study that the incidence of premarital sexuality among evangelicals is almost exact...
The household of Stephanas was addicted to the ministry of the saints. Ministry opportunities are abounding both in the local and the ...
Where does children’s church, Sunday Schools, and Youth Groups show up in the Book of Acts or 2 Timothy? We...
How do you counteract the godlessness of the day? How do you counteract the power of media, and the alternate teachers and disciplers ...
Kevin Swanson walks through the process whereby the worst possible vices are made socially acceptable over a period of 70 years. ...
Americans are having less babies, and the number one reason is no co-pay for abortifacients under Obamacare. Americans are killing mor...
We are calling the year 2018 the year of the Bible. This is the year to read the Bible, to discover more of its truths, and to teach i...
Most Christians do not take the spiritual realm seriously, and they are easily taken by the devil's devices. What should a churc...
There is nothing more exciting than to see God’s hand working in history. We travel through Frankfurt, Wurtzburg, Leipzig, Wittenber...
The Chinese Communists are working to eradicate Sunday Schools and Christian Summer camps. Why do communists hate Sunday School so muc...
C.S. Lewis famously remarked, “We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor . . .and are...
White evangelicals are apostatizing faster than every other segment of religious faith in America. They’ve increased their support for...
News outlets are reporting on more homeschool families so taken by wrath, anger, and sin that they spiral into murder. The question th...
Why do the masses migrate so quickly to every conspiracy imaginable? Alex Jones is concerned about powerful manipulators, but then so ...
The modern church is changing shape to accommodate a growing disinterest in God. Should children miss church so as to make their champ...
We call Right to Life and others to be honest about the numbers of abortions in this nation. It’s not just the surgical abortions. It’...
We review the history of Thanksgiving from 1621, and the official Thanksgiving holidays in the 13 colonies. Then we take a look at the...
The IMF is warning that the World Debt to GDP ratio is dangerously high, but it’s the richest nations that are the problem. But, why ...