There cannot be a more needful topic for the hour than this. Discipleship is the mission. Discipleship is what is lacking, especi...
There are over twice as many unemployed twenty-somethings as there were four years ago! That's a 200 percent increase in the unemploym...
Men have been AWOL for a generation or two. But now we see men reappearing on the scene. Men with beards, for the first time...
Games. Porn. Slothfulness. Escapism. Drugs. Aimlessness. Whether the boy has grown up in a Christian church, Christian school, or a ho...
We talk about discipleship. But, not many have done it for forty years with the sort of results that Jim Stump has seen. He's not a me...
Fewer young men are in the workforce, and a huge percentage are still hanging out in their parents’ basement at 34 years of age. What ...
Ted Cruz's daughter doesn't like her father's policies, but what about President Obama's daughters and President Bush's daughters? Fra...
The question is posed to us concerning classical education and Greek philosophy. While some hope that the resurgence of classical sc...
Every young person and every person must grapple with the question. What's my calling? How can I move ahead with intentional...
The challenges only increase and the tests intensify for young Christian men who are looking at military service. There are potential ...
The breakdown of the father-son relationship is the root of just about every social and spiritual issue relating to the family, church...
The United Kingdom’s new Relationships and Sex Education Statutory Guidance has just been released, requiring all school teachers to...
Does your daughter know the derivative of a cosine? Does she know how the pinocytic vesicle functions in the Amoeba? Does she know who...
The American Psychological Association has concluded that traditional masculinity is toxic to the nation. Competitiveness, male aggres...
The pornography scourge is now affecting both men and women, causing untold damage to marriages and family. We discuss with...
Do we really want to take all the salt and light out of the public schools by removing our Christian kids? And what about socializat...
Christians have largely abandoned the Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts for its promotion of sexual practices referred to as abominable i...
Evangelicalism has seen its better days. God is at work around the world, but the Western world is languishing and the old way of trai...
Recent articles from Business Insider and Time Magazine keep up the questioning on the college rip-off. Is college a w...
The Chinese Communists are working to eradicate Sunday Schools and Christian Summer camps. Why do communists hate Sunday School so muc...
Republicans are no longer favoring college as they once did. Only 36% of Republicans favor college, down from 58% seven years ago. Fin...
When asked if it was a sin to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding at a Reformed Conference, Pastor John MacArthur answered in the neg...
A Christian preschool in Sweden has recently banned prayer. In this edition of the Generations radio program, Kevin and Steve address ...
News outlets are reporting on more homeschool families so taken by wrath, anger, and sin that they spiral into murder. The question th...
We try to make sense of the kerfuffle surrounding Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, involving pastor rapping, accusations of ...
The Oregon Association of Scholars has released a report claiming that “many” colleges are using diversity pledges, to assure that pro...
The Zeitgeist is blowing like a hurricane now. The forces of darkness have unleashed an unremitting, repeated attack on children with ...
Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Churches are saying 50% of the youth have left or are leaving their churches. Now a new study on ...
Christian parents are concerned about the shack up, hook up, pornography-saturated, marriage disintegrating, divorce culture. How migh...
The great need of the day is for older women to provide spiritual mentoring for younger women in our churches. Kevin Swanson interview...
State controlled education is more about social programming, than reading and writing (at least if you read John Dewey). Social recons...
Governments are known to create revolutions, trounce on property rights, and destroy economies, and that's pretty much what happened i...
It’s a first that a homeschooled 14-year-old in South Carolina has participated in a school shooting. But, it’s not the first homescho...
Unemployment rates have dropped, but the male unemployment (for able bodied men 18-52 years of age) is on the rise -- 18%. It's as bad...
Over half the college kids in America have psychiatric issues, according to some reports. The problems are on the rise. So why are c...
The problem of slothful men will be endemic in a world where boys are raised without fathers, and where faith and character in general...